This site is not for everybody.
If you have your life in order, you are happy, and make enough money to buy anything you want, then this site is not for you. But, if you are like the majority of the population that hates your life, can’t find decent work, don’t make enough money, and feel like you are just treading water (or even sinking), then this site is for you.
This site is all about discovering your natural strengths, finding work that utilizes those strengths, and then continually improving to achieve life long happiness and prosperity. Sound good? Then let’s dig in a bit.
Zero in on a niche or go big?
From my research on the interwebs about starting a blog, defining your audience and finding a niche, they mostly say, “niche down”, or “find an under served niche”, or “find a hole in the market”. There is always this nugget, that is the counter of niching down. So what is a new blogger to do? IGNORE IT ALL AND JUST START WRITING. Well, not really. This blog has a theme, direction, purpose, and goal.
It is to teach you to live with Nerd Zest!!!
So, where to start, really.
In the beginning, I am going to write this for myself. Yes, myself. The reasoning for this is that I know myself and there are probably many people out there that are the same.
I am a cog in the corporate wheel, with a background in software engineering. I have held positions in/or have worked in all areas of the software development cycle, and have had a moderately successful career so far. This is a career that anyone can achieve and is in high demand because software technology is everywhere. Hell, software is now in your refrigerator.
Companies are struggling to find qualified and skilled people to fill these positions, so it is a good idea for people to concentrate on finding jobs in high tech. “But I have no skills that would translate into high tech!!!” Actually you do. High tech companies are not just software engineers. They have lawyers, HR specialists, accountants, contracts specialists, writers, artists, and the list goes on. What you should concentrate on is finding your unique strengths, and then finding where those strengths will best serve a high tech company.
What readers will get the most benefit?
The readers that will get the most out of this blog are those that want more, that will work to get more, and will trust that the world is not conspiring against them.
You should have ambition, drive, and a willingness to try new things and think differently. Life is hard. Making bad life choices just makes it that much harder.
Don’t do that!
Starting today, commit to making better life choices by discovering your strengths, using those strengths in your work, and continually improving to achieve more.