5 Life Goals for Those That Don’t Set Goals

Are you the kind of person that hates setting goals? Have you thought about your new year goals?

Do you even know what part of your life needs goals?  

Here at Nerd Zest, we feel there are 5 specific areas of your life that you need to concentrate on to live a full and happy life.  They are Career, Health, Adventure, Money, and People, or CHAMP.

Simplify your life and focus only on these 5.  Why?  To give your brain a break.  And why make life more complicated?    

“So what goals should I set for each” you ask?  

Well, I am going to give you a good start for each.  Read on……


Your career is what you do to earn a living.  Your goal here should be to find a profession in a growing industry where you can make at least $80K a year.  Why?  Science 

The science says once you hit a certain level of income, your happiness is not improved very much, but below that mark, and you are miserable. 

Choose not to be miserable.  


You must maintain good health in order to work, earn, and live long.  2 Simple goals for your health are

Obesity rates are in the 40% range.  Obesity also tends to bring on other health problems.  Probably good to lose a few pounds if you are overweight.    


Give yourself a break and do some things you enjoy.  A good goal here is to find 5 hours a week to do something you enjoy.  This is a time for you to work on hobbies, read a book, learn a new skill, or anything that brings you joy. 


Earning that $80 K a year is worth nothing if you don’t know where it’s going.  Your goal here is to create a budget and stick to it for a year.  

Money management is essential to being successful in life.  If your bank account is at zero at the end of the month, you are doing something wrong. Change it.  

Get a basic budget from us, or your bank, or other resources.


This one will probably be the hardest of all, but also the simplest.  Don’t be an asshole!

Bob Sutton is a Stanford professor in Management Science and Organizational Behavior. He wrote an awesome book called The No Asshole Rule about how assholes ruin the workplace. The same can be said for assholes in general.

Work hard at being a good person.  There are too many assholes in the world that make everyone else suffer.  They are anywhere and everywhere, don’t be one of them.  

Now for the Bonus – Free Tools 

If you have read this far, you get a bonus.  I have created several templates for you to use that have these basic goals already created for you.  Now you have no excuse.  Execute these goals as you come out of this wonderfully spectacular shit show that is 2020 and limp into 2021 with a good start.    

Now take the free stuff and go do great things this year!

Nerd Zest Goals – Already filled in for you!  

Nerd Zest Goals – Blank for you to fill in

About the Author: The Nerd is a hard working family man helping put things into space, working on this blog, and helping his amazing wife raise our children.