Why am I doing this?
It is my belief that anyone is capable of achieving great success and living the life they want.
If you are the kind of person who believes that you can do more, achieve more (whether it is through making more money, having more success, etc.) to live the life of your dreams, but have not figured out the secret, then this is the place for you. Spoiler alert!!! THERE IS NO SECRET!!! People do this all the time. They do it by working hard, creating great products or providing great service, and continually growing and improving. That’s it.
You say, “I work hard, I provide great service, but I am not living the life of my dreams.” Well, my guess is that you don’t make enough money to live the kind of lifestyle you want. Or, if you do make enough money, you are unhappy with your choice of profession. It might also be some other life circumstance that is holding you back.
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
– Confucius
I love this saying. Simple and truthful, but so damn hard to do. With so many choices out there, how do you choose the right job or profession? Not so easy is it?
If you would like to start down the path, or change paths, to start living the life you want, then follow me. I am currently changing paths, or more specifically, creating a parallel path. I have a full time job working in high tech. I love that job, and I feel as though I am pretty successful. But I want more. I want to achieve more through helping others succeed.
How is this going to happen?
Truthfully, I have no idea how this is going to turn out. But, I have an idea, a desire, a direction, goals, and hope. My goal for this blog is to produce great content. Simple as that. My parallel path started 1 week ago when I asked my wife if I can spend $250 to buy a website and start a blog. Step 1, done. Now the hard work begins. The content of the blog will be centered around a system of success. Your success is how you define it. Whether you want to be a multimillionaire or just enough to get by, you have to have a system to achieve what you want. My system is simple. Know your strengths, find work that uses those strengths, and continually improve.
What will you get?
You will get tools, training, methods, resources, and a little entertainment. Each part of my system will be based on timeless human behavior. Humans have been on this planet for how long? How much has human behavior changed? Not much in my mind. We all have to live. This takes a certain amount of basic needs. But, after that, we can do whatever we want. The only thing that really changes over time is technology. Advances in technology are all centered around making our lives easier. The system that I am developing will combine timeless human truths with current and future technology. The same system that allowed people in the past achieve success is the same system that will allow you to achieve what you want in life today.
This will take some time, so stick with me. I will be building, testing, revising, testing, building, testing, and refining the products to produce the best possible outcome for my readers. The one thing I have going for me right now? Nobody is reading this blog! I can write and develop my products without anyone even knowing about it yet. I have no subscribers yet. That is ok. It is part of building an audience and loyal followers. Successful bloggers have great content that solves a problem for its readers. If you want to achieve more, then my system will help.