Escaping the Dead End Job

Are you currently in a dead end job? Do you know that you are in a dead end job?

You have no future if you cannot advance, take on more responsibility, and earn more income.  Plain and simple. Wikipedia says so. 

Does your current job allow you the opportunity to grow and earn more income by promotions or increased job responsibility?  If not, plan to leave, NOW.   

Getting out of a dead end job is difficult, but not impossible.  You could just quit, but that is not feasible. What you should do instead is make the choice to get out of the dead end, do some homework, and find something better.  You have the ability and freedom to change jobs to better your life. What you may not have are tools and strategy to get you there. That’s what this post is about. 

Select a Target Industry……or Two

In order to have a chance at success, you need to be employed in a growing and top paying industry.  How do you find a growing and top paying industry? Google, of course.   

Google has become the defacto standard behind learning new information.  The first search you do is “growing industries” or “top paying industries”.  Over 600 million results!!! 

Now, for the digging.  What industries are in your area, utilize your strengths and skills, and allow you to grow into a career?  Today the top paying and growing industries are healthcare and technology. Let’s start there.

Search Jobs in the Industry

Search job sites for job descriptions that include your strengths. The Top Job Websites are the best source of current open positions for you to do your research.

Now, you don’t have to be a doctor to work in the healthcare industry.  Sure those are the top paying jobs, but they are top paying jobs for a reason.  It takes many years of specialized education, training, and experience to be a medical doctor. They are, after all, responsible for their patients lives! 

Other than doctors and medical personnel, there are still many many jobs that need filled in any healthcare related facility.  It’s still a business after all. You still need nurses, business professionals, information technology, project managers, accounting, equipment technicians, and so on to run a successful operation. (Pun very much intended) 

The same is true for high tech.  It’s not just coders who sit at their laptops all day and pound out the latest algorithm or new app.  There are also project managers, quality, cyber, network, electronics, hardware, and safety professionals.  There is such a variety of work out there that you can find something that fits your skills and strengths. 

Match Your Skills and Strengths with the Job

Now comes the hard part.  Select a job that you know you can do, have the skills to accomplish, and have the resume to back it up.  The companies you will be applying to and interviewing for do not select anyone off the street. These are professional organizations and they hire professionals. You can be one of them.

Matching your strengths to the job is easy.  Read the job description and look for skills that the job requires.  Let’s say the job requires sales and customer service skills because it’s for a customer facing front desk position.  Great! Your current job as a restaurant manager requires management, customer service, and sales skills. These are transferable skills that you should identify and match to your unique talents.

Your skills and strengths should already be highlighted on your resume in some form.  Use this as your guide in selecting the new job. Read the job descriptions and find those nuggets of similarity.  You may come to find that you are qualified for more than you thought. 

The decision is made. Now it’s time to act. 

You have made the decision to get out of your dead end job and pursue something better.  Now it’s time to update the resume and start applying. This will take some time so plan on a few months of searching, applying, interviewing, and rejection.  It will be hard, but you made the choice to do something better for yourself. It will be well worth it.   

While you are at it, read about your potential salary requirements.  Your goal should be $80,000. Why? Read on to know why.