Resolutions are Out, Set Goals Instead

First post of 2025, here we go.   New year’s resolutions are old and outdated. Talk about resolutions usually starts before the holidays. Then right after the new year resolutions are determined. Come February, resolutions are usually already broken and are completely forgotten by March. Go to any gym in January and see how many … Read more

Nerd Zest Maturity Model

Struggle Just Enough Killing It Maturity models have been around for a long time. The purpose is to measure or evaluate the maturity of a system.  In 1980ish, the US Government was tired of paying for crappy software systems so they commissioned some smart people at Carnegie Mellon University to invent a way to measure … Read more

Benchmarking – Measure Yourself Against Something

Benchmarking is the lazy way to set goals. One, it’s not you setting the goal, it’s someone else. Two, hopefully you select a meaningful benchmark. And three, the benchmark is some generally accepted level. This takes the thinking out of setting a goal so you can focus on measuring yourself to a benchmark. I recently … Read more

Learn to Pay Less Income Tax

So Amazon pays $0 income tax. Why? Because they know how income taxes work. They make decisions based on the choice to pay lower taxes and they keep up with the changes. The Bloomberg article tells how Amazon is able to pay no federal income tax, through tax deductions. They receive deductions for paying their … Read more

What will you get at The Nerd Zest?

There is a crisis going on right now in the working world.  People are not finding work that utilizes their strengths.

This leads to:

  • low job satisfaction
  • low performance
  • an overall sucky life.

How do I know this?  According to Gallup, 15% of employees worldwide are engaged.

There are many factors as to why this is, but the main reason is that as a society we are not taught how to discover our strengths and then find work that utilizes those strengths.

Schools don’t help.  College just produces debt laden, unemployable business majors, and if you are lucky enough to find a job you like, there is no future for you.

Work is such a big part of life that if you get it wrong, then your life will be less meaningful, less fulfilling, and you will die a miserable piece of crap.  Sorry for the melodrama, but we are not told that work is a big part of life and making the wrong choices will lead to many years of lost time.  I believe that I can help people with the same methods and techniques that I have learned in my life up to this point to help you be happier and successful in your life.

So what will The Nerd Zest teach you that will make your life better?

In a nutshell, The Nerd Zest is a system of success.

The products that will be developed are based on a system that I have used to be a successful employee of a large high tech corporation for almost 20 years.  The system is simple but complicated, easy but hard, and I don’t know why I have not seen or read of anything like it yet.  The system is simple because you discover your strengths by looking into your current interests, natural ability, and immediate surroundings to know where to start.  It is complicated because it will take some brutal honesty and fact finding about yourself, that you may have never done before.  The system is easy because it is based on the engineering process of requirements, design, implementation, and test.  It is hard because sometimes the requirements are fuzzy, design is incomplete, implementation is terrible, and you never really get to test.

NerdZest Dream Reality

Here is a sample of what you will get in the requirements phase.

Have you ever thought about how much money you earn, would like to earn, or have the ability to earn?  You should.  That is how you make a living.  Have you ever thought about how people afford the lifestyle they live, or make the kind of money they do?  When are you ever taught how to make a living?  Still thinking???


One exercise you will perform as part of your journey of discovery is the Real Sheet and the Dream Sheet.  These two artifacts will detail your income and expenses for one month. They are the same thing with one big difference, the Real Sheet is what is reality, your current income from whatever job you have (or don’t have), and the Dream Sheet is what you want to achieve.  This is your basis for starting the plan and making a difference in your life.  It is the foundation of your future actions and will guide you for all your future decisions.

Life is hard if you are just getting by, but it’s even harder if you are sinking.  The only one that will be able to make a change is you.  You have to make a choice to live life on purpose, with direction, instead of reacting to what life throws at you.  My system will help with whatever obstacles life throws at you.

A better, more fulfilling life

When you live life on purpose many of your problems go away.  Do you hate getting up in the morning and facing the day?  Most people do. But, this system will make you wake up before your alarm clock because you can’t wait to start the day and get to work.

Money?  You will make more money and have better money management skills.

Success? Absolutely!!!  Because you define what success is and what is means to you.

Many people are already living the life of their dreams, but they needed to start somewhere.  Decide to start living with Nerd Zest now and begin to discover the life that you have been missing.

Who will benefit from The Nerd Zest?

This site is not for everybody. If you have your life in order, you are happy, and make enough money to buy anything you want, then this site is not for you.  But, if you are like the majority of the population that hates your life, can’t find decent work, don’t make enough money, and … Read more